Top 10 travel-friendly dog breeds
Do you travel around a lot? Have you wondered what dog breeds would be best for you to own and take with you on your adventures?
Look no further, you have found the information that you are looking for. Here, we have compiled a list of the top ten travel-friendly dog breeds, and while some of them are no surprise some of them will leave you shocked.
Naturally, most toy sized dogs are the easiest to travel with. Unfortunately, some toy breeds can be temperamental. Most of the time they can be carried on a plane and do not have to be placed in the belly or cost you extra money, but airlines are not the only way to travel. Some large breed dogs, make great travel companions if you like to drive rather than fly or ride.
Top ten travel companions
You will find here, a well-researched list, compiled of the 10 best dog traveling companions, not just good ones. Each one is unique in its own way and makes a good traveling companion for its own reason.
Labrador Retriever
Retrievers won’t fit under your seat on the airplane, but they do adjust easily to new people and sites. Also, since they are so easy to train, it normally isn’t hard to get them used to the different routines or rules at each stop.
Yorkshire terrier
Yorkshires are very social breeds that get along well with other dogs and are dedicated to its owner, they like to go wherever their people go.
The Maltese is a toy breed that weighs less than seven pounds. Because of this, the Maltese is easy to carry and is happy to make new friends. They have a low-shedding coat which is a bonus for the car that can also be cut down into a “puppy cut”.
Jack Russel Terrier
Jack Russel Terriers are affectionate, playful, independent and powerful. They are one of the most active breeds of small dogs and need to be constantly entertained by doing something. Jack Russels are small and they have very short hair. This makes them perfect dogs for travel, as long as they are being handled by someone with experience.
This breed is travel sized and they are the perfect traveling companion because they don’t take up much space, don’t eat a lot of food, and fit under the seat in an airline.
Dalmatians are fairly easy to train and teach them traveling manners is generally simple. They are also friendly and affectionate dogs. Dalmatians are known to be tolerant of weather that fluctuates, which means they are good with cold weather or warm weather. This makes them great travel companions for travel to all sorts of climates.
Another smaller breed, the Havanese, has an adventurous and outgoing personality perfect for world-travel. In addition, their non-shedding coat will make life in an RV or hotel a bit more manageable.
French Bulldog
While this dog is nonsuited for airline travel, the otherwise the tenacious Frenchie is ready for anything. They are very spunky and adjust quickly to new situations.
Brussels Griffon
The Brussels Griffon is a very smart and happy dog that is very eager to please. They are very easily trained and very friendly with other pets, children and strangers. This makes this breed an amazing travel companion in most traveling scenarios because they work and play well with others.
The Pomeranian is a great travel companion and is an excellent breed for traveling on airlines due to its compact nature. Pomeranians can be the absolute best travel buddies.
So, there it is, the best travel buddies. Some are good because they’re nice to everyone, some are good because they are non-shedding, but most are just plain good.
While talking about it – traveling with your dog can make some things harder to keep track of. How much did the dog eat? Drink? Did they get enough activity so they won’t get moody or bored?
All these issues can be easily solved with Actijoy’s products – check them out here!