Nausea in Dogs: Why it Happens and What Pet Owners Can Do

It is not uncommon for a dog to vomit randomly. While an acute case of nausea is normally nothing to worry about, prolonged or chronic cases of vomiting may be a warning sign of an underlying health concern. Here, why dogs vomit and what pet owners should do will be discussed.
Reasons Dogs Vomit
A dog’s stomach is biologically different than that of a human. For instance, dogs have significantly stronger acid in their stomachs, which is necessary for digesting large chunks of food. Additionally, a dog’s stomach can serve as a safety mechanism. For example, a dog’s body will naturally reject anything in the stomach that is not recognized as food, such as socks, grass, or toy fragments. Other reasons that dog vomit include:
Dogs can contract stomach bugs just like humans. Other illnesses that can induce vomiting include pancreatitis, viral infections, heat stroke, kidney failure, and internal parasites.
If a dog has ingested a toxic substance, one of the first symptoms is vomiting, or diarrhea as the dog’s body will try to eliminate the toxin.
Change in Diet or Food Allergy
A quick change in diet or a sensitivity/allergy to food are two reasons a dog may vomit. The most common allergens among dogs are wheat, chicken, beef, soy, egg, fish, and lamb.
Sometimes, dogs simply become overexcited or anxious, and the stimulation triggers vomiting or diarrhea.
Treating a Nauseous Dog
Most of the time, vomiting is an acute occurrence. However, if the dog continues to vomit over a prolonged period, action should be taken.
The first step is to withhold food from your dog for 12 – 24 hours in order to allow your pet’s digestive system to relax. The next step is to feed your dog a bland diet for 3 – 5 days, or until vomiting has subsided for more than 12 hours. Finally, make a note of your dog’s vomiting (even if it was an isolated incident) in the medical history section of your Actijoy Healthbook. This information may be useful for your veterinarian in the future, especially if the problem becomes chronic.
While nausea can normally be treated at home, you should always consult a veterinarian if a dog vomits blood, if your dog’s condition does not improve after 24 hours, or if a dog attempts to vomit, but nothing happens, as this could be a sign of bloat.
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Please note: all dogs should be treated as individuals. The Actijoy blog is for educational and entertainment purposes only. In the case of emergency, always seek qualified health care from a local veterinarian or emergency facility. Actijoy blogs are not designed to treat, diagnose, or prescribe medication for your pet.