How Does Life Change for a Dog Who Has Diabetes?
In this series, we will be discussing dog diseases and the way they impact your dog’s life. First, we will discuss a disease that affects approximately 4 out of every 1,000 dogs: diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes is a disease that is characterized by the inability of the pancreas to produce a sufficient amount of insulin to control a dog’s blood sugar. The symptoms of diabetes in dogs include:
- Excessive water consumption - easily spotted with Actijoy Food & Water WiFi Bowl
- Frequent urination
- A larger-than-average appetite without weight gain - easily spotted with Actijoy Food & Water WiFi Bowl
- Cataracts.
When a dog is diagnosed with diabetes, his or her daily life will change, as well as that of the owner. Canine diabetes is controlled in two ways: via insulin shots and a modified feeding schedule.
In general diabetic dogs require two insulin shots per day, one after each meal. Depending on the circumstances of your dog’s disease, only one daily shot may be required. Administering insulin injections can be intimidating for many owners, particularly if the dog is not fond of needles. However, there are many management techniques that owners can adopt, such as by first distracting the animal with a high-value treat, like an interactive toy filled with cheese.
A number of dietary adjustments must be made when a dog is diagnosed with diabetes. First, he or she must maintain a healthy weight, which means portion sizes should be controlled. In order to prevent spikes in a dog’s blood sugar levels, multiple small meals should be provided at the exact same time each day. Additionally, prescription dog food might be necessary.
Actijoy Food & Water WiFi Bowls are an innovative product designed to help you manage your dog’s nutrition.
If your female dog has been diagnosed with diabetes and has not been spayed, she should be de-sexed following her diagnosis. When an intact female dog goes into heat, the hormones that are released will cause changes in her blood sugar levels that cannot be controlled by insulin injections.
Glucose Monitoring
Additionally, a diabetic dog’s glucose levels must be monitored in order to avoid hypo- and hyperglycemia. This can be achieved by administering a blood test (similar to the finger prick of human diabetics) or via a urine test.
The Actijoy pet monitoring system, together with the Healthbook App,can make diabetes management much less stressful by monitoring nutrition and notifying you when it’s time for an insulin injection. Ultimately, once a routine is established your dog will still be able to live a happy and high-quality life with diabetes!
If you would like to learn more about canine diseases, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter!