Hiring a Dog Walker: Are You Getting What You Paid For?
When you are unable to provide your dog with adequate exercise, a great alternative option is to hire a dog walker.

While the idea of a dog walker is great in theory, unfortunately, many dog owners have no way of knowing whether their pets are receiving the agreed-upon care. Here, finding out whether you are getting what you paid for will be discussed.
How to Find Out Your Dog Walker Isn’t Doing a Good Job
There are many subtle clues as to whether your dog walker is doing a good job. For instance, is your dog calm when you return home, but not overly exhausted? If so, your dog walker has likely done well burning off your pet’s excess energy. Does your dog walker leave detailed notes about how the walk went, or simply a generic memo? What do your dog’s paws look like? They should be clean and unscathed. If paws are scraped, your walker may be dragging your dog to keep up a certain pace. Is your dog’s water bowl clean and reasonably full, and has the treat you left out for your pup been eaten?
Checking Up On Your Dog Walker Regularly
It doesn’t hurt to check up on your dog walker regularly. For instance, you or a friend might drive by the park or intended route to double-check that your dog looks happy and relaxed. On a free day, you might also ask to accompany your dog walker and observe how your pet interacts with the walker and canine group. Be wary of any company that does not allow you to do so. The Actijoy Health & Activity Tracker, and can even distinguish the type of activity, e.g. running, jumping, fetching, so you know your dog is getting the exercise they need, and you are getting what you paid for.
How to Choose a Good Dog Walker
Ultimately, when choosing a good dog walker there are criteria that must be met. A dog walker must be bonded and insured. This means that any damage that occurs to your home or dog will be covered. Look for a dog walker that is GPS enabled or who regularly uploads photos of your pet. Ask plenty of questions, such as what will happen if the dog walker cannot arrive that day, and whether your dog will be off-leash.
Overall, finding the perfect dog walker is important, as you must trust this person to care for your dog in your absence. Do not be shy to continue hunting for the perfect person if there are any red flags. Your dog’s health and safety depend on your intuition!
By the way, do you know the average price of a dog walker in the US? Read our next article and find out more. You might be surprised!
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