Are You Shortening Your Dog’s Life?

Any dog owner would be devastated to know that he or she is unconsciously shortening the life of a beloved pet. However, many pet owners unknowing decrease the lifespan of their dogs by engaging in a number of bad habits. Are you guilty of any of these five habits that can shorten a dog’s life?
Overfeeding Your Dog
Canine obesity is one of the most prevalent problems for household pets worldwide. Excessive portion sizes, table scraps, and being too liberal with treats are all to blame. The dangers of a dog being overweight or obese (i.e. more than 20% overweight) include diabetes, cancer, liver and kidney dysfunction, and thyroid disease. All of this could be prevented. And there are ways to track your dog’s intake with little effort – learn more here
Too Little Exercise
Alternatively, a dog may become overweight because of inadequate exercise. From an evolutionary perspective, dogs were designed to be nomadic animals, driven to roam or work. When they are denied regular exercise, they are likely to suffer both mentally and physically. Dogs, like humans, require exercise to strengthen their cardiovascular systems and maintain good health. Our monitoring tracker will tell you whether your dog is active enough, as well as help you reach daily goals. More information about the importance of exercise for your dog can be found here.
Ignoring Preventative Care
Dogs should receive an annual check-up once per year, during which they will receive preventative vaccinations and medications. Fleas, ticks, heartworm, and other parasites are all entirely preventable, yet can cause life-threatening diseases that can shorten a dog’s life by causing devastating illness. During an annual exam, veterinarians can also catch abnormalities before they become more serious problems. It is also wise to collect your dog’s medical information in one place. Your vet is sure to have a folder about your dog, but what stops yours from having one – even better than the one your vet has? And if you just imagined a lot of work, check out our Actijoy app. You’ll learn that it’s easy and intuitive!
Second-hand smoke affects dogs in a similar manner as humans, reducing the function of lung tissue and increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. For dogs, nasal and lung cancer are most common, while allergies and respiratory problems can also occur.
Avoiding Dental Care
Giving dogs proper dental care is one of the easiest ways to prevent disease in pets. When plaque and tartar buildup on tooth enamel, periodontal disease can occur. Bad bacteria enter the bloodstream, causing cardiovascular disease. There are many ways to care for a dog’s teeth, including dental treats, regular tooth brushing, and periodic teeth cleaning by a veterinary professional.
Even the most well-meaning dog owners may be inadvertently engaging in behaviors that can shorten a dog’s life. If you find yourself making any of these mistakes, even small changes can be beneficial in providing your dog with a long and happy life!
Learn more about Proper dental care or important information about obesity! Subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you receive the rest of this series delivered directly to your inbox!
Please note: all dogs should be treated as individuals. The Actijoy blog is for educational and entertainment purposes only. In case of emergency, always seek qualified health care from a local veterinarian or emergency facility. Actijoy blogs are not designed to treat, diagnose, or prescribe medication for your pet.